Shop smarter with our exclusive offer just for you! For a limited time only, enjoy a double dose of savings and rewards!
Enjoy up to 20% discount on AEON Private Brand Doublefocus.
In addition, customers will receive special offers such as:

Terms and Conditions
- For every purchase Doublefocus from $15 and above per receipt.
- For the first 20 customers only per store.
- Customers can exchange gift vouchers by showing the receipt and doublefocus item to the nearest cashier counter next to doublefocus or customer service.
- Available 3 branches of AEON.
This special offer from 3rd to 5th May 2024
For more information, please visit our page:
Facebook: AEON Retail Cambodia
Telegram: AEON Retail Cambodia
Instagram: aeon_retail_cambodia
YouTube: AEON Retail Cambodia