AEON supermarket will be selling pork at a new special price and guaranteed to be local pork, including bacon, pork rib, pork leg, pork tenderloin, and many more starting from 12th September onwards.

This is good news for all customers, especially the housewives who always cook delicious food every day for their beloved children and warm family.

According to Mr. Mori Akifumi, Food Line Merchandising Senior General Manager, states that “To meet the needs of customers who always continue to support the purchase of vegetables, fish, meat and all kinds of food in AEON, epsecially pork, which is a daily need. AEON will starting sells pork at a special price and appropriate to the market price and ensures that all kinds of meat on sale are safe for our customers.”
Finally, I, on behalf of AEON Supermarket would like to thank all the customers who have always supported AEON, and on the occasion of the upcoming Pchum Ben, I would like to wish all customers be healthy, stay happiness and stronger.

It should also be noted that the pork new special price, customers can place orders through the website and online mobile application.
AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd, one of the largest retailers, imported TOPVALU Brand into Cambodia’s Market in 2014. Under the subsidiary of AEON Group, based in Japan, AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. is committed to “customer first” and has its core principles of achieving harmony, stability, and social peace through its business.
You can also order with AEON Online at Or download the AEON Online App.
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