AEON’s Charity Program in Kampong Speu Province


AEON (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. organized a charity activity at a school in Kong Pisey District, Kampong Speu Province, which was previously funded by AEON, with support from AEON and the Japan Committee from UNICEF.

In the morning of 1st March 2025, the management teams and staffs of AEON (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. visited two primary schools (three buildings): Ang Tanlap Primary School and Ang Preah Srey Primary School in Kong Pisey District, Kampong Speu Province.

Through this charity program, AEON has donated school supplies, learning materials, gifts, and snacks to over 1,000 students and 37 teachers. In addition, AEON’s teams have engaged with the students for enjoyable activities, including a Japanese-inspired origami activity.

It should also be noted that AEON (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. has actively involved in supporting school construction and various charitable projects across Cambodia and Southeast Asia. As example, these school buildings, located in Kampong Speu Province, were the first school buildings that have been donated in Cambodia since 2002.

AEON has donated and constructed 151 school buildings until these days. Through these efforts, AEON (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. aims to play a meaningful role in promoting society growth and human resource development in Cambodia.

AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. has operated in Cambodia since July 2014 as one of the largest retailers. Under the subsidiary of Aeon Group, based in Japan, AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. is committed to “customer first” and has its core principles of achieving harmony, stability, and social peace through its business.
Aeon Cambodia Co., Ltd. has gained a lot of customer trust and has expanded its business presence in many businesses such as general stores, supermarkets, small shops (AEON MaxValu), and online businesses (AEON Online). AEON Specialty Store and AEON Exclusive Brands (Home Cards, IC Inner casual Store, Kids Republic Store, AEON Pharmacy, AEON Bicycle Shop, AEON Bakery, AEON Store, DAISO Japan and Topware) offers over 10,000 items ranging from food. Daily necessities, clothing, household items (including bedroom and bathroom accessories), sports equipment, medicine, and cosmetics.

You can also order with AEON Online at or download the AEON Online Mobile App.
For more information:
Facebook: AEON Retail Cambodia
Telegram: AEON Retail Cambodia
TikTok: AEON Retail Cambodia

Instagram: aeon_retail_cambodia
YouTube: AEON Retail Cambodia

AEON donated supply material equal to 8,797.17 USD from its own Yellow Receipt Campaign in 2024 local NGOs

On 11th Jan 2025, AEON Cambodia organized the Yellow Receipt Donation Ceremony at AEON Mean Chey Store.

AEON donated supply material total amount 8,797.17 USD from its own Yellow Receipt Campaign in 2024 to 21 local NGOs.

For the total amount handed over from 2016 to 2024, Aeon has supply material equivalent to amount $52,777.35$ up to now.

AEON Yellow Receipt Campaign happens on every 11th of each month.

AEON Yellow Receipt Campaign aims to encourage customers to participate more in social events and promote the culture of sharing in society.

This campaign (Yellow Receipt) first started in 2016 with 7 NGOs only, until now, there has been a dramatic increase to 21NGOs that have participated and received donations from this campaign. Additionally, this campaign is aligned with AEON’s principle that focuses on its own business and pays high attention to participating and minimizing social issues.

Total 21 NGOs list cooperate with AEON Yellow Receipt Campaign until now :

  1. Hope of Children (HOC)
  2. Japan Heart
  3. Smile Cambodia 
  4. Sacrifice Families and Orphans Development Association (SFODA) 
  5. Mith Samlanh
  6. Cambodia International Education Support Foundation (CIESF)
  7. Cambodian students and Childern Fund (CSCF)
  8. Cambodia Children’s Fund (CCF)
  9. Passerelles Numeriques Cambodia (PNC)
  10. Friend International
  11. Pay it Forward​ Organization
  12. Douleurs Sans Frontier’s Organization
  13. Future Light Organization (FLO)
  14. Dream Girl Project (NPO)
  15. Sipar
  16.  IL Nodo International Organization (ILNODO)
  17. Donbosco Foundation of Cambodia
  18. Transcltural Psychosocial Organization (TPO)
  19. Andong Center Street to School
  20. Taramana Magdelena Center 
  21. Hearts of Gold 

AEON 1% Club Foundation Hosts Japanese Speech Contest in Cambodia

On December 5, 2024, AEON 1% Club Foundation marked a significant milestone by organizing the first-ever AEON Japanese Speech Contest in Cambodia held at AEON Mall Sen Sok City. There are five students, who are studying Japanese language, have been selected from two universities – one from the Department of Japanese Language and another from Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE).

This remarkable Japanese Speech Contest, one of the programs under AEON Scholarship Program, has been organized in China since 2015. Until today, this Speech Contest Program has been expanded into many Asian countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and this year in Cambodia. This program aims to promote the aspiration university students who dreams the messenger of culture exchange between Japanese and their home countriesIt also plays an active role to exchange culture in the world in the future. Another core objective of this contest is also promoted mutual understanding between nations and reinforcing friendship among nations. 

Through this competition, we have selected two winners among five students. The two winners, No. 1 and No. 2, will have a chance to go to Japan to join the internation speech in February next year.

AEON 1% Club Foundation organized the AEON Scholarship Ceremony

On 5th December 2024, AEON 1% Club Foundation organized the AEON Scholarship Ceremony for two universities: Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) and National University of Management (NUM) in Cambodia at Aeon Mall Sen Sok City. This Scholarship has been provided to 221 Cambodian students since 2013.

This AEON Scholarship Program supports university students in Asia who dreams the messenger of culture exchange between Japanese and their home countries. It also plays an active role to exchange culture in the world in the future. 

AEON UNICEF Safe Water Campaign Ceremony 2024

On July 22, 2024, AEON held the Safe Water Campaign collaborated with UNICEF at AEON Mall Sen Sok City under the presence of H.E Atsushi Ueno, Ambassador of Japan to Cambodia with the other honorable guest such as:

  • Mr. Phea Sinath, Director of the Technical Office of the General Department of General Affairs, Drinking Water of the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation.
  • Mr. Lim Min, Executive Director of the Water Supply Association in Cambodia.
  • Mr. Will Parks, Representative of UNICEF Cambodia.

Since 2010, AEON 1% Club Foundation has been running the AEON UNICEF Safe Water Campaign, which involves the installation of water supply facilities in collaboration with UNICEF to promote education and health care, as well as donation funds from all over Japan will be donated through Japan Committee for UNICEF.

In celebration of the above campaign, Mr. Mori, Chairman of AEON 1% Club said:

This year we have organized fund raising activities at AEON Group stores across Japan, with a total of approximately $ 150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand dollars) raised by customers, and AEON Club 1% also donated the same amount as AEON Group. As a total of approximately $300,000 have been donated to Japan Committee for UNICEF. Since 2010, the total proceeds from this fund raising is about $ 3.5 million.

In Cambodia, AEON 1% Club Foundation has been implementing school construction projects since 2000 to provide proper educational facilities for Cambodians’ children. 151 schools have been built across the nation. In addition, AEON 1% Club Foundation has also offered scholarships to 221 Cambodian university students as well as some high school students have participated in “Asia Youth Leaders, a program to promote the international training of young leaders in Asia”.

AEON Group opened AEON Mall Phnom Penh in 2014, and currently 3 shopping malls are operated. AEON Group established AEON1% Club in 1990 which take 1% of the profit for sale operation to contribute to the society based on three pillars: “Nourishment Health Care Children” “Build friendships with other countries” and “Contributing to local development”.

AEON 1% Club Foundation will continue to work in order to create a future lifestyle that leads to a smile for young generation.

AEON UNICEF Safe Water Campaign

AEON donated over 8, 000 USD from its own Yellow Receipt Campaign in 2023 local NGOs

AEON donated about 8, 000 USD from its own Yellow Receipt Campaign in 2023 to 20 local NGOs.

For the total amount handed over from 2016 to 2023, Aeon has donated equivalent to amount $43,980 up to now.

AEON Yellow Receipt Campaign aims to encourage customers to participate more in social events and promote the culture of sharing in society.

AEON Yellow Receipt Campaign happens on every 11th of each month.

Customers who purchase at AEON Phnom Penh Store, AEON Sen Sok City Store, AEON Mean Chey Store and AEON MaxValu Stores can put their receipt (Yellow One) in the Yellow Receipt box at each store to choose their preferred NGOs.

AEON will donate 1% of total amount that customers purchase to local NGOs based on the actual receipt received from each box.

Mr. Sin Pysey, Managing Director of AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd

On 11th January 2024, AEON (CAMBODIA) CO.,LTD donated about 8, 000 USD from its own Yellow Receipt Campaign in 2023 to 20 local NGOs such as:

  1. Hope of Children (HOC)
  2. Japan Heart
  3. Smile Cambodia 
  4. Sacrifice Families and Orphans Development Association (SFODA) 
  5. Mith Samlanh
  6. Cambodia International Education Support Foundation (CIESF)
  7. Cambodian students and Childern Fund (CSCF)
  8. Cambodia Children’s Fund (CCF)
  9. Passerelles Numeriques Cambodia (PNC)
  10. Friend International
  11. Nature Saves Cambodia (NSC)
  12. Pay It Forward (PIF)
  13. Douleurs Sans Frontier’s Organization (DSFO)
  14. Future Light Organization (FLO)
  15. NPO Dream Girl (NPO)
  16. Sipar
  17. IL Nodo International Organization (ILNODO)
  18. Don Bosco Technical School Phnom Penh
  19. Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO)
  20. Andong Center Street to School (CIAI)

This campaign (Yellow Receipt) first started in 2016 with 7 NGOs only, until now, there has been a dramatic increase to 20 NGOs that have participated and received donations from this campaign. Additionally, this campaign is aligned with AEON’s principle that focuses on its own business and pays high attention to participating and minimizing social issues.

This Year 2024, we selected two more new NGOs to join our Yellow Receipt Campaign such as:

1. Ms. Véronique Puccio, From Taramana Magdalena Center

2. Ms. Yoneyama Haruka, From Heard of Gold

Through this campaign, AEON (CAMBODIA) CO.,LTD will contribute more to deal with various social issues both in the present and future while focusing on its business growth.

Support AEON Yellow Receipt Campaign for our community!

AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. Visit to School Building and Tree Planting at Phnom Tamao Zoo Park in Takeo Province

AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. management and staff visit the school building through the AEON 1% Club Foundation and tree planting at Phnom Tamao Zoo in Takeo Province.


On the morning of October 21, 2023, the management and staff of AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. visited a 5-room school building in Kith Meng Prasat Secondary School, Bati District, Takeo Province through a charity program (AEON 1% Club Foundation) by bringing some study materials and gifts to 800 students and 35 teachers. In addition, the management and staff of AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. also organized fun activities with students, such as a Japanese origami program and teaching some Japanese words.


On that occasion, the management and staff of AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. also inspected the tree planting site at Phnom Tamao Zoo Park, which the company has sponsored in the past from 2015 to 2017, about 21,000 trees.


It should be noted that AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. has sponsored school buildings as well as many other charitable activities in Cambodia and Southeast Asia, such as the construction of school buildings, tree planting, museum construction in Siem Reap (Norodom Sihanouk Angkor) Center. People with disabilities (in Battambang) provide scholarships to students digging water wells Teenage Ambassador Clean & Green Day, Food Bank. The school building in Takeo is the 151st school building sponsored by the AEON 1% Club Foundation in Cambodia. The participation of AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. in various charitable activities and social activities is to contribute to the promotion of social development and human resources in Cambodia as a whole.


AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. has operated in Cambodia since July 2014 as one of the largest retailers. Under the subsidiary of Aeon Group, based in Japan, AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. is committed to “customer first” and has its core principles of achieving harmony, stability, and social peace through its business.
Aeon Cambodia Co., Ltd. has gained a lot of customer trust and has expanded its business presence in many businesses such as general stores, supermarkets, small shops (AEON MaxValu), and online businesses (AEON Online). AEON Specialty Store and AEON Exclusive Brands (Home Cards, IC Inner casual Store, Kids Republic Store, AEON Pharmacy, AEON Bicycle Shop, AEON Bakery, AEON Store, DAISO Japan and Topware) offers over 10,000 items ranging from food. Daily necessities, clothing, household items (including bedroom and bathroom accessories), sports equipment, medicine, and cosmetics.

You can also order with AEON Online at or download the AEON Online Mobile App.
For more information:
Facebook: AEON Retail Cambodia
Telegram: AEON Retail Cambodia
Instagram: aeon_retail_cambodia
YouTube: AEON Retail Cambodia

AEON Cambodia Joined Tree Planting Ceremony Organized by AEON Mall Cambodia under the theme – AEON Hometown Forests

On the morning of 08th October 2022, AEON Cambodia managements team participated in the Tree Planting Ceremony organized by AEON Mall Cambodia under the theme “AEON Hometown Forests” before the opening of AEON Mall Mean Chey, the 3rd and the biggest mall in the kingdom.

Tree Planting Ceremony aims to create a new shopping mall surrounded by greenery and engaged & integrated into local communities in the hope that the spirit of nurturing greenery will spread among local residents and the world.

The event was officially joined and opened by H.E Khuong Sreng, Governor of Phnom Penh Municipal, H.E MIKAMI Masahiro, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the kingdom of Cambodia, Mr. Tsuboya Masayuki, Managing Director of AEON Mall Cambodia, AEON Cambodia Management Team, other distinguished guests from business partners and approximately 1000 of local residents & students. There were approximately 8000 trees covering 13 indigenous species in the region, such as Crinum Lily, Spider Lily, Western Sword Fern, and many more had been plated on the day.

As one of the companies in AEON Group, AEON (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. strongly supports this environmental ceremony as aligned with its Environmental Foundation Program. Beside this activity, AEON regularly organizes its Clean & Green Day which is a monthly environmental activity allowed all staff and near by residents to clean surrounding areas of the stores.


About AEON Hometown Forests Program

The creation of environments using “hometown trees” indigenous trees started at the Malacca Shopping mall of AEON Malaysia (Malaysia) in 1991, and the first time it was implemented in Japan at the JUSCO Shin Hisai branch (Mie Prefecture) in April 1992. The total number of trees planted during the “Hometown and Forest Creation” Tree Planting Ceremony and by the AEON Environmental Foundation during tree-planting activities reached the 10 million marked in 2023.

24 Local NGOs Received Donation from AEON Yellow Receipt Campaign

On 11th January 2022, AEON (CAMBODIA) CO.,LTD donated nearly 7, 000 USD from its own Yellow Receipt Campaign in 2021 to 24 local NGOs, such as Nature Save Cambodia​ (NSC), Passerelles Numeriques Cambodia​​ (PNC), Sipar, Mith Samlanh, Cambodia Students and Children Fund, Cambodia Childern Against Starvation and Violence (CCASVA), Sacrifice Families and Orphans Development Association (SFODA), Hope of Children, Pay It Forward​ Organization, Friend International, Douleurs Sans Frontier’s Organization, Center for childern’s Happiness (CCH)​​​, Future light Organization (FLO), Dream Girl Project (NPO), Cambodia Childern Fund (CCF), Donbosco Foundation of Cambodia, Transcltural psychosocial organization (TPO), IL Nodo international organization (ILNODO), Andong Center street to school, Sophia Univiersity asia center for research and human development, Oprhan disable youth and poor women training organization, Japan Heart​, Smile Cambodia, Cambodia International Education Support Foundation(CIESF).

AEON Yellow Receipt Campaign happens on every 11th of each month. Customers who purchase at AEON Phnom Penh Store, AEON Sen Sok City store and AEON MaxValu Stores can put their receipt (Yellow One) in the Yellow Receipt box at each store where they can choose their preferred NGOs. AEON will donate 1% of total amount that customers purchase to local NGOs based on actual receipt received from each box.

AEON Yellow Receipt Campaign aims to encourage customers to participate more in social events and promote the culture of sharing in society, said Mr. Seko Tsugutoshi, Managing Director of AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd. Mr. Seko also stated that this campaign first started in 2016 with 7 NGOs only, until now, there are dramatically increased to 24 NGOs that have participated and received donation from this campaign. Additionally, this campaign is aligned with AEON’s principle that not only focus on its own business but also pays high attention in participating and minimizing social issues. Through this campaign, AEON (CAMBODIA) CO.,LTD will contribute more to deal with various social issues both in present and future while focusing on its business growth.

Mr. Seko Tsugutoshi, Managing Director of AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd

Friends International first joined with AEON Yellow Receipt Campaign 6 years ago, since the first initiative of this campaign, said Mr. Phoung Tola, a representative of Friends International. He also took this great opportunity to thanks to AEON Cambodia Co., Ltd for a strong support of Friends International as well as other social events that have play crucial role in business operation and success.

Mr. Phoung Tola, a representative of Friends International

Support AEON Yellow Receipt Campaign for our community!